“Hunger is a crime against humanity”

“Hunger is a crime against humanity” Jean Ziegler.

Former Special Rapporteur for the right to food of the United Nations Human Rights Council (2000-2008), Jean Ziegler knows what he is talking about: hunger and malnutrition should not remain in any region of the world, in the face of to the means available to our societies.

A lot of effort is being made, and progress is being made, but it is still not enough.

In sub-Saharan Africa, malnutrition represents 1/3 of the direct and indirect causes of mortality in children under 5. In Burkina Faso, where Morija mainly operates, more than 40% of the population does not eat enough.

This scourge hinders physical and intellectual development and decreases resistance to disease which can lead to death.

Morija takes care of malnourished children

Infants and young children suffering from malnutrition are cared for by Morija in the Centers for Recovery and Nutritional Education (CREN) until they regain their “normal” weight.

Each year, Morija follows 12,000 children suffering from chronic to acute malnutrition, more than 1,000 kg of enriched flour are produced in the CRENs of Morija, it is used to cook a nutritious porridge that will save their lives!

Act now by donating HERE

Check out the World Food Program (WFP) interactive hunger map here: https://hungermap.wfp.org/