In 1974, struck by the extent of the famine in Ethiopia, a group of young people decided to say no to extreme poverty, oblivion and fatalism. To sustain their action, Michel and Christiane Raboud founded in 1979 the Morija organization.

In Switzerland, Morija is governed under its statutes and articles 60ss of the Swiss civil code. In France, Morija is a non-profit organization (Law 1901) created in 1997.


Morija is a humanitarian and development cooperation organization aiming at providing assistance to vulnerable populations mainly in sub-Saharan Africa. The NGO provides support, working in close collaboration with local partners sharing its values.

Morija pursues its goals in the areas of nutrition, water-sanitation-hygiene, health, education and rural development.
Morija is currently involved in 4 countries of sub-Saharan Africa: Burkina Faso, Togo, Chad and Cameroon.


Our humanitarian values are inspired by our Christian ethics.


Solidarity with the most vulnerable people is the underlying basis of our actions.
We aim to promote also an atmosphere of mutual aid among the beneficiaries, and within the village communities with whom we are working.


Our approach promotes the autonomy of our final beneficiaries by making them agents of change for a real exit out of poverty. Our programs are built with the help of the final beneficiaries.
We give priority to local human resources for the implementation of projects, by enhancing their technical skills and leadership. In trouble shooting, we seek solutions that are innovative, sustainable and replicable.


Morija is a human-sized organization, fostering a close relationship with its donors, partners and beneficiaries. On the field, we focus on a participative approach with the beneficiaries, resulting in local people taking responsibility.
In an interdependent world, we believe that intercultural cooperation is a key to learn from one another, and views are enriched to deal with a social issue.


We strive to promote integrity at all levels in our organization.
Transparency, accountability, rigor in management and the fulfillment of our commitments are absolutely essential for us.


Morija considers each human being as a unique, valuable person. Based on that understanding, we intervene with people regardless of ethnic origin, gender, religion or political opinion. We attach great importance to non-discrimination, to the quality of our services towards our beneficiaries, and focus on restoring self-esteem.


The love of our neighbor is our driving force.