According to the United Nations, the Delta variant as well as the Alpha and Beta variants are shown to be aggressive in Africa. The organization relays information that the number of positive cases has increased over 6 straight weeks, reaching 202,000 positive cases. The number of deaths has increased by 15% to approach 3,000. (Source)
Of particular concern is the Delta variant. It has become dominant in South Africa. It was also detected in 97% of samples sequenced in Uganda and 79% of those sequenced in the Democratic Republic of Congo. It also affects young adults. In Uganda, for example, two-thirds of serious illnesses in people under 45 are attributed to the Delta variant.
The Beta variant has spread more in the south of the continent while the Alpha variant is rather active in the rest of the continent.
Just over 1% of Africa’s population has been vaccinated and the vaccine supply has effectively stalled.
In all of its countries of intervention, Morija has made masks and hydroalcoholic gel available to its teams and in the schools it supports. It actively conducts awareness-raising operations on barrier gestures for the attention of rural populations.
Donation of hydroalcoholic gels from Chargeurs Healthcare Solutions – Novacel
A palette of 288 liters of hydroalcoholic gels was generously offered to us by Chargeurs Healthcare Solutions – Novacel. These gels will be distributed to our teams in the field and will allow us to continue to contain the spread of the virus.
A big thank you to Chargeurs Healthcare Solutions – Novacel