Medical and Social Center (MSC)

Location : Farendè, Togo

The causes for the most frequent diseases in Togo are: malaria (about 50% of all cases), wounds and traumas, respiratory infections, and digestive parasitic diseases.
The MSC is particularly active in fighting against malaria. With symptoms such as fever, headaches and vomiting, if malaria is not treated, it can rapidly lead to death by the circulatory disorders it causes.

Objective: contribute to the improvement of the population’s health


Beneficiaries: 3 villages around Farendè, a population of about 6,500 inhabitants.


Morija supports Farendè CMS whose activities are:

  • Preventive and curative health consultations for children and adults (especially fighting against malaria)
  • Mother and Child Protection, management of malnourished children
  • Maternity antenatal consultations
  • Vaccinations at the Center and in the villages
  • Health education and awareness on various topics (hygiene, vaccination, nutrition…)
  • Laboratory Tests