3 important international days for Morija

The end of this week marks three international days that are important for Morija:
  • International Rural Women’s Day (15.10.2021)
  • World Food Day (16.10.2021) Article available on our site on d-day
  • The International Day for the Eradication of Poverty (17.10.2021)
International Rural Women’s Day
Women subsisting on farm work represent a quarter of the world’s population. Their role in the poorest regions of the world is essential as they ensure the food supply to feed their families.
This year, the theme for International Rural Women’s Day is: Strengthening the resilience of rural women in the aftermath of COVID-19.
The precarious status of rural women makes this category of the population one of the most affected by the pandemic.
Working to feed her family and often without income, rural women have suffered the full brunt of the consequences of the pandemic, particularly in terms of access to health care and access to certain foodstuffs. The supply chains being disrupted by the consequences of the crisis.
New opportunities for rural women thanks to the CFB project:
In Burkina Faso, rural women often cultivate land that does not belong to them. They have no decision-making power and are not consulted by men. The Champs Familiaux Bocagers (CFB) project set up by Morija allows families to have a cultivable field. This does not belong only to men, but to the whole family who benefit from the crops.
The women beneficiaries of the CFB project now play a decision-making role in the household. Their opinion counts with men, they play a growing role of manager and can choose what type of crop to grow in their field, which allows them to gain confidence. In addition to improving the status of women, the CFB project also enables mothers to protect their children from the scourge of malnutrition and improve their quality of life by providing them with a varied diet in sufficient quantity.
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International Day for the Eradication of Poverty
For more than 40 years, Morija has actively fought for the eradication of poverty by providing aid, through its teams in the field, as close as possible to the poorest communities on the planet. Morija’s projects are cross-cutting, that is to say, they affect the environment of the beneficiaries as a whole. Both in his daily life and in his future prospects. This approach makes it possible to help the poor immediately, but also to lift them out of poverty in a sustainable way by improving their resilience in the face of the trials of life.
In 2015, nearly 736 million people lived below the international poverty line set at $ 1.90 per person per day (UN). Most of these people live in sub-Saharan Africa. Political instabilities as well as climate crises worsen the situation of people below the poverty line and impact people who are at the limit of this threshold, pushing them into extreme poverty.
Morija’s action in sub-Saharan Africa takes on its full meaning and will continue to be relevant in favor of the most disadvantaged.