Togo: Cultivation of cocoa respectful of the environment

Morija is developing its Agroforestry project in Togo with its Togolese partner Avenir de l’Environnement (ADE). Benjamin Gasse (Director of Morija) and Gabriel Migy (President of Morija) went there to officially launch the New Generation…

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Africa: a continent highly exposed to climate change

Sub-Saharan Africa emits few greenhouse gases: while it represents about 20% of the world’s population, its population is considered to be responsible for less than 5% of global CO2 emissions. This contribution can be explained…

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Food insecurity in West Africa

What is produced and consumed in West Africa? In the Sahelian zone, millet is the main food crop and consumed. In times of crisis, it is replaced by rice and cassava flour. In the Sudanian…

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Putting a stop to malaria: World Malaria Day

Malaria, transmitted by mosquitoes, killed 409,000 people in 2019 in 87 countries, according to the WHO. Two-thirds of the victims are children under the age of 5. But these figures are probably underestimated, because the…

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14 young farmers who protect their environment

On Thursday April 1, in the village of Agou in Togo, 14 young farmers beneficiaries of the Agroforestry project of Morija received an endowment in agricultural equipment for the cultivation of cocoa, given by Morija’s…

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Wild life, more than ever in danger!

For this World Wildlife Day, Morija wishes to recall the inestimable value of flora and fauna in all its diversity. The forest, a treasure to be preserved Over 300 million people live in or near…

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Solidarity chocolates: good news for Easter

During the month of March, Morija launched its first edition of its Solidarity chocolates action. 950 students from the Orientation Cycle Middle School in La Tour-de-Trême committed themselves to this unique solidarity action aimed at…

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